Keep Your Computer Sparkling Clean
Why Is Cleaning Essential? Regularly cleaning your computer, both inside and out, is crucial for maintaining the performance of your computer system, extending its lifespan. Over time, a buildup of dust, dirt and debris can impact the various components of your set up such as your monitor, keyboard, mouse or CPU which can result in overheating, slower system performance, and eventually the complete breakdown of your hardware. It's not only the health of your computer that can be affected but your own as well. Various germs and bacteria can be living and thriving on your computer, particularly pieces that are constantly touched like the keyboard and mouse.
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Optimizing Your Big Move
It's time, you've either outgrown your office space, the office needs a style update, or your successful business is ready to expand. You've found your new space and are ready to start a new chapter, problem is, where do you start?Packing and moving your equipment, furniture and various office supplies is only part of the process. Planning, organizing and testing will more than likely be what takes up most of your time.
Social Media and SIM Skimming
Earlier this year, and X/Twitter account was hacked, allowing misinformation to be posted from this trusted account. Unfortunately, this is not an unfamiliar story, social media accounts have been hacked before as anyone who has received an off message form a friend knows by now. So why was this instance newsworthy? The hacked account belonged to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, if a trusted entity such as this can be hacked and misinformation spread, it brings into question the security of social media accounts belonging to businesses or government entities.
Phishing Has New Bait, QR Codes
QR codes have become a staple in a variety of businesses from restaurants to retail. Through these simple codes, customers can get immediate access to services and/or goods provided by the establishment. Paying your bill? There's a QR code for that. Want to submit a resume? There's a QR code for that. Personal information stolen? Unfortunately yes, there is a QR code for that.
The Importance of Keeping Your Cloud Secure
In today's digital age, securing your business's cloud infrastructure is not just a necessity, but a critical component of your overall cybersecurity strategy. Why Cloud Security is Non-Negotiable for Modern Businesses In the current digital landscape, cloud computing has become a cornerstone for modern businesses. With migration of data and applications to the cloud, ensuring the security of these assets is becomes even ore important. A breach can lead to severe financial losses, regulatory penalties, and damage to a company's reputation. The security measures taken to protect your sensitive information must match The post The Importance of Keeping Your Cloud Secure first appeared on AdvanTech.
Why MSP Services Are Essential for Small Business Cybersecurity
In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, small businesses are increasingly becoming prime targets. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer a robust solution to bolster your cybersecurity defenses. The post Why MSP Services Are Essential for Small Business Cybersecurity first appeared on AdvanTech.
Unraveling The Risks and Benefits of VPNs
Digital connectivity keeps businesses moving and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as indispensable tools for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you're safeguarding sensitive data or accessing geo-restricted content, VPNs offer a secure and private gateway to the digital world. However, like any technology, VPNs come with their own set of risks and benefits. Below, we'll delve into the intricacies of VPNs, exploring the potential pitfalls and advantages they bring to the table. The post Unraveling The Risks and Benefits of VPNs first appeared on AdvanTech.
Spot the Scam: How to Identify Malicious Emails
The post Spot the Scam: How to Identify Malicious Emails first appeared on AdvanTech.
CMMC 2.0: Changes You Need To Know
The post CMMC 2.0: Changes You Need To Know first appeared on AdvanTech.
DoS Attacks; Overwhelming Your Systems
A denial of service (DoS) attack is a type of cyber attack that aims to block users from accessing their systems by flooding the device or network with excessive traffic, leading to system delays and crashes. Unlike most cybercrimes, the primary objective is to create disruption and chaos rather than accessing or corrupting data. The post DoS Attacks; Overwhelming Your Systems first appeared on AdvanTech.
Cybersecurity Benefits of Updating Your Systems Regularly
In an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, keeping your systems updated is crucial to safeguarding your business. The post Cybersecurity Benefits of Updating Your Systems Regularly first appeared on AdvanTech.
Unveiling 13 Stealthy Cyber Threats Lurking in Your Inbox
In today's digital age, a vast majority of communication comes in the form of emails, from simple messages to confidential information, our emails hold the day-to-day information needed to run your business. Many consider the role cybersecurity plays in internal and business-related emails, but what about the emails that slip past your technological walls? Knowledge of the various attack tactics you may come across can help you be aware of the possibility of illegitimate emails. Common Threats Hidden In You Inbox Phishing Attacks - Deceptive emails disguised as trustworthy entities, with the The post Unveiling 13 Stealthy Cyber Threats Lurking in Your Inbox first appeared on AdvanTech.
Phishing Has New Bait, QR Codes
Phishing Has New Bait, QR Codes QR codes have become a staple in a variety of businesses from restaurants to retail. Through these simple codes, customers can get immediate access to services and/or goods provided by the establishment. Paying your bill? There's a QR code for that. Want to submit a resume? There's a QR code for that. Personal information stolen? Unfortunately yes, there is a QR code for that. As technology grows and evolves, so do the methods used by scammers and cyber criminals. As the use of QR codes become The post Phishing Has New Bait, QR Codes first appeared on AdvanTech.
Protecting Against Quishing Scams: What You Need to Know
In the digital age, QR codes are everywhere, but so are scams. Learn how to protect yourself from QR code fraud. The Rise of QR Codes: What You Should Know QR codes have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and versatility. Quick response codes, commonly known as QR codes can be compared to an average barcode, it is a scannable image that contains certain information. While a barcode will usually tell a consumer what a product is and how much it costs, a QR code can be more varied, containing URLs, The post Protecting Against Quishing Scams: What You Need to Know first appeared on AdvanTech.